您是一名外国人,计划通过卡帕斯步道游览雄伟的皮纳图博山吗?如果是这样,您需要了解菲律宾空军 (PAF) 最近提出的要求。 2024 年 3 月 10 日,PAF 向卡帕斯旅游局发出了关于外国人进入皮纳图博山的信函。

PBIT,以下波兰国民已获得批准的访问许可,VC 编号:A2CI/2024/03-032
现在,通过卡帕斯步道进入皮纳图博山的外国公民必须在访问前 20 天通过加签提交其要求(护照照片)。这项新规定来自上级总部,出于安全目的。

遵守这些新要求至关重要,以避免您在游览皮纳图博山期间出现任何延误或并发症。通过遵循 PAF 和卡帕斯旅游局制定的指南,您可以确保在探索这场巨大而美丽的灾难时获得顺利、无忧的体验。
22 条评论
Michael Oxender, if you have Philippine issued passport you can visit Mt. Pinatubo or we can apply for Visit Clearance when you book 20 days in advance at tours.mtpinatubo.com
I’m a permanent resident of the Philippines for 15 years, hiw am I classified to trekk to Mt Pinatubo with family.
I would like to join the Mount Pinatubo day tour. There are two of us, and we would like to depart on February 15th. Is it possible to join the tour?
@Jonas, you can book from our homepage
Hi, i am traveling solo and want to do the daytour to Pinatubo. Any groups that i could join? If so, please reach out on info@jstcreations.com as would reaaaaaaallly love to do this tour. Thanks in advance and travel safe. Jonas